Saturday, August 02, 2008

Rejected superhero concept #342: Part newt, part man, all Hero! His special powers include breathing underwater for a long time, excellent diction, and an enlarged bladder! Newtman, the hero nobody wanted! (But he's the hero you deserve).

Plus, y'know, he's naked.
So nudists would finally have a superhero representing them.

Just more messing around with the tablet. Haven't tried out any new techniques today. Anyway, newtman, joke that he is, is actually another foray into monster designing. And yes, I know he's not "real" monster. I made him up (or I could claim he's the real Loch Ness Monster), but he's a monster and that's what counts.

My next attempt would probably be a shot at replicating someone else's art (best way to learn quickly: steal someone else's technique!)

And when I'm finally good enough: oodles of nekkid wimmen pics! Yay!


Ted Mahsun said...

you can call it a newt by I know you know it's just a penis with legs on!

Rumoku said...

I was hoping that no one would notice >_>.

I didn't mean it to look like that, honest!