Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Get your paws off me, you damn dirty ape!
It won't be long now. The day that monkeys eventually take over the world is just around the corner. The BBC just said so , so it must be true. I never trusted those damn monkeys and now I have a legitimate reason to loathe them. Anyway, this marks day two of practice with, and it seems to be going well. At least now my art doesn't look like a total pile of dog feces. I'll switch back to Photoshop as soon as I can be bothered to dig up my installer. It's somewhere around here.... But for now, I've also got to worry about the eventual simian invasion, so 'scuse me while I go hoard some bananas to use as bargaining chips...


Ted Mahsun said...

You can't hoard bananas. They'll rot and then they'll smell. Also, I have photographic memory far superior to any monkey. If only I can get it to work!

Rumoku said...
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Rumoku said...

Aha...I've thought beyond that! I'm gonna deep freeze my bananas! In liquid nitrogen! And you lie about having a photographic'd forget you were married if your wife didn't constantly remind you.