Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Well, this was my practice that I was learning from a dude on youtube. Then I got irritated because it wasn't coming out right. Then I gave up. Then I just filled in the rest with whatever technique I knew. Yeah, it didn't come up exactly right, but this blog is meant for all those failures and triumphs, so here it is, my newest failure. I still like it though. Maybe the next one will be better.


Ted Mahsun said...

I can't decide if that's a man or a woman! Fail!

Ted Mahsun said...

Also! Your powers are weak old man!

Rumoku said...

Strike me down and I will only become more powerful! Also, didn't you notice her bewbs? It's totally a woman! You fail as a man.

Anonymous said...


Who is she?! Who is she?! Who's that little chippy?!

Rumoku said...

Erm...think of an excuse, think of an excuse...she's...the girl I'm shagging at the moment? Oop, I meant making love to. What?

Joking aside, it's no one I know. It's just practice. Complain when I'm drawing a nekkid person.